Our CEO, Mona Chiha, was once a broker who was immensely frustrated with dealing with the high levels of documentation involved in the lending process. Contracts, bank statements, amendments, and more made lending processes messy, slow, and environmentally unfriendly… That wasn’t including the constant calls from clients asking about the status of their contracts and their amendments.
During those days, Mona already had an interest in technology, and software as a solution. Building her own app for her brokering business, she automated the communications process so that every time there was an update on a client’s status, an email would automatically send to the client to ensure they were up to speed with their finance application/s. This drastically lessened phone calls from clients and increased the efficiency of her work, as well as enhanced the customer experience.
This was when Mona fell in love with the potential of technology to streamline business processes. It soon led to a career in developing software solutions in business processes, website development, and an initial venture into Fintech that highlighted the issues in the industry. However, what Mona saw in Fintech was its continued potential – to transform banking as we know it today in data sharing, funding small businesses, increasing financial flexibility, reducing bank dependence, and empowering individuals with meaningful upgrades in their quality of life through automation, and cutting-edge technology.
CCFunding’s determination to keep ahead of the game with continued financial innovations designed around responsibility, sustainability, and opportunity is based upon the culmination of Mona’s career. Our app is developed in Australia – supporting Australian talent and jobs.
CCFunding’s great success since its launch has provided the resources to implement Mona’s ideas to truly make a positive difference in the finance industry. Not all lending has to be a story of financial hardship. We’re determined to change the story.
We aim to be pioneers in the financial services sector and strive for excellence and ease through a solution that automates and streamlines the financial space.
CCFunding has received over $30k in loan applications since CCFunding opened its doors to applications on the 26th of January 2022. Our marketing, strategy, and promotions have worked to boost our products to high-quality clients, and CCFunding is in a time of rapid growth. From a two-man team of our founders, one of whom is CEO, Mona Chiha, the team has grown to 8 full-time employees in less than a year since inception.
By being deeply embedded in our local community, we ensure that CCFunding maintains relevance and leadership. We are a member of CUB, and a corporate partner of the CBCC, for which the CBCC recently gifted CCFunding with an award for community service.
CCFunding’s app manages clients, loan products, and client expectations. However, guided by Mona’s passion and determination to transform the finance sector, we have implemented several innovations that support our clients in responsible borrowing.
One of our innovations to be released is our budgeting and loyalty program. Our Fintech assesses the last 180 days of their account through live feed and helps clients calculate their budget according to all their expenses. Additionally, we will be implementing a loyalty and rewards program to truly enable change. On the occasion a client sticks to their budget plan and pays all their debts on time (not just for CCFunding), we provide rewards like $50 gift cards. We understand the importance of incentives to transform behaviour, and we aim to do this to ensure our clients maintain financial viability.
Mona fosters a culture of suggestions and improvements and is entrepreneurial in nature. She’s now transforming an idea into reality where the app provides clients an opportunity to invest. Clients will be provided an opportunity to buy shares into certain investments – such as property – of which CCFunding will manage on their behalf for a commission. They will own these assets and create an investment portfolio when they would normally not have such an opportunity. By being offered opportunities and the finance to invest, clients can start building their investment portfolio, learn how to invest, and become aware of how to utilise their current assets to build greater, more sustainable, wealth. This product is in development, so stay tuned.
Our products are aimed at providing the things we can’t afford to miss out on. Whether that’s positive experiences like a better holiday or opening doors to understanding how to own and manage their investments, CCFunding is there to empower them and get them the finance to get there.
Our goal is to provide a responsible lending platform that focuses on a multitude of financial products which will include lending, budgeting, investing, and eventually creative and innovative tech-savvy services, including ADI. Ultimately, we aim to provide a suite of financial products for our clients that not only provides incentives to cement learning outcomes but also build skills and knowledge in finance and investment. CCFunding will not only be their loan provider for mortgage, litigation, holidays, recreation, and more, but also an investment and finance solution for our clients to own assets, build financial awareness, and gain more from their interactions with us. We also intend on providing free online lessons for financial and digital literacy.
CCFunding has an ambitious and broad vision. To be in a small business is to chase opportunities, close the gap in markets, and contribute to our local economies by bringing the possibilities of growth and constant innovation to the table.
We aim to transform our current finance industry and lead by example. Lead by our female CEO, Mona Chiha, and our diverse team, we provide our financial products with the highest level of responsibility and ethics, empower our clients with financial opportunities that would never have been able to achieve before, and spearhead the way into creating a more equitable, inclusive, diverse finance industry that celebrates our differences.
Through the power of positive journeys, CCFunding will become a leader by example in our industry, dedicated to providing high-quality products, and financial solutions, and giving back to our community.